Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Small steps can be the difference between renting and owning your own home in 2015.

It seems homeownership is still a critical component of the American Dream. According to a Trulia survey, even in 2011 — when the market was volatile and uncertain — 65 percent of young adult consumers said they still considered owning a home a part of their life goals. In a more recent study, that number rose to 78 percent.
And yet, while it remains important for the vast majority of Americans to own a home, there are some major obstacles. According to the survey, renters looking to buy a home in the near future cited the following barriers:
·      Saving enough for a down payment                              
·      Having a poor credit history
·      Qualifying for a mortgage
·      Rising home prices
·      Unable to pay off existing debt
·      Not having a stable job
·      Rising mortgage rates
·      Limited inventory
So how can prospective homebuyers overcome these obstacles?

Save — and then save some more
The majority of homeownership obstacles stem from one source: money. Cash is king and this is never more true than in real estate. Having a hefty down payment in your pocket when home shopping means wielding considerable power — winning the contract in a bidding war, qualifying for a mortgage, and securing a better rate on your loan. Sounds like a no-brainer, but we all know that saving money for a down payment is much easier said than done.
Try setting up an automated direct deposit of funds into an earmarked savings account to help accumulate the down payment over the course of a year.                                                         
While a 20 percent down payment is ideal, it may also be worth checking into an FHA loan program that requires only 3.5 percent of the purchase price as a down payment.  Here in Utah, there is a number of 0% down options.
 Visit to see what the criteria is for these types of loans.

Clean up your credit
That credit card you signed up for on a whim and missed some payments on in your 20s may make all the difference in qualifying for a mortgage in your 30s. The first and most critical step in dealing with your credit woes is to be informed. You can order one FREE credit report a year from (it’s the only one authorized by Federal law)  Start cleaning up, and repairs and errors on your credit report.  You may need to engage the help of a good mortgage lender.  Some even offer credit repair. 
Now is the time to buy, intersest rates are still at an all time low and home prices are still reasonable.  The tax benefits and the peace of mind that comes with home ownership is two huge perks….Why wait?!
HaPpY HuNtInG!!!
Kimmie Del'Andrae
Keller Williams South Valley RE

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